Stronglifts: Heart Rate Monitor on Apple Watch

Stronglifts Weightlifting App has the ability to show your heart rate on your Apple Watch while you are working out.

Here's how you can use this feature:

  1. Go to your iPhone settings and select "Health"

iPhone settings health screen

  1. Select "Data Access & Devices"

iPhone settings health data access and devices screen

  1. Select "Stronglifts"

iPhone data access and devices stronglifts screen

  1. Select "Heart Rate"

iPhone settings Stronglifts heart rate screen

Your heart rate will now show on your Apple Watch while you are engaged in a workout. It will look like this:

Stronglifts Apple Watch workout screen

Stronglifts Apple watch rest screen

Make sure your watch strap is not loose, it should fit snug otherwise it will not be able to read your heart rate.

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