Stronglifts: How To Find Exercise Video Tutorials (iPhone)

You can easily view video tutorials of your upcoming exercises through our in-app video tutorials. These will provide both a brief overview of the exercise and a detailed explanation of how to perform it with the ideal form.


Pro members: have access to all video tutorials.

Free members: have access to limited video tutorials. 

You can access brief overview videos of upcoming exercises like this:

  1. Select "Start" workout

Stronglifts Weightlifting app home screen

  1. Select the exercise name you’d like to view

Stronglifts weightlifting app workout screen

  1. A brief video tutorial will appear of the chosen exercise 

Stronglifts video tutorial screen

You can view detailed description video tutorials of upcoming exercises like this:

  1. Select "Start" workout 

Stronglifts app home screen

  1. Select the weight of the exercise you’d like to see

Stronglifts app workout screen

  1. Select the "Form" option at the top of the page

Stronglifts exercise customisable screen

  1. A detailed description and video will appear

Stronglifts form videos screen

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