Stronglifts: How To Create An Exercise (iPhone)

When you replace or add an exercise in Stronglifts, you can choose from a list of more than 100 different exercises. However if you can't find the exercise you're looking for, you can easily create your own.

Here's how:

  1. Open Stronglifts and go to "Programs”

Stronglifts weightlifting app home screen

  1. Select “Workouts”

Stronglifts Programs page

  1. Select the workout you want to add the exercise to

Stronglifts select workout page

  1. Either select “Edit” to remove an exercise you want to replace your new exercise with and/or select “Add Exercise” to add your new exercise to your workout.

Stronglifts edit and add exercises

  1. Select “Create”

Stronglifts create an exercise feature

  1. Now give the exercise a name and categorize it.

Stronglifts customize a created exercise feature

Any exercise you create will permanently show in the list of exercises. That means you can easily re-use it later in any other workout you do.

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