Stronglifts: How To Replace Exercises In Your Workout (iPhone)

If you want to replace an exercise while working out, you can easily replace it to a similar one (default alternative), or any other exercise on Stronglifts, or create your own by following these steps:


This is a Pro feature only.

  1. Select "Start" workout

Stronglifts Weightlifting app home screen

  1. Tap on the exercise you want to replace

Stronglifts replace exercise feature

  1. Select "Replace"

Stronglifts replace exercise option

  1. Pick an exercise in the list (we'll recommend several alternatives by default)

Stronglifts default exercise list

  1. If you don't like any of the default alternative exercises, just tap the "x" in the bottom left corner to see all exercises. Use the Search icon to find specific exercises. Alternatively, you tap "Create" in the bottom right corner to create your own.

Stronglifts create exercise feature

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