Stronglifts: How To Create Custom Programs (iPhone)

If you would like to create a custom program, we have all the features necessary to do so on you iPhone/iPad device. Stronglifts Pro give you the ability to tailor your program to your needs, while still being able to make use of all the apps useful features. Here's how you can create your own program:


This is a Pro feature only.

  1. Select "Programs"

Stronglifts weightlifing app home screen

  1. Select "Create"

Stronglifts Programs screen

  1. Select a program name and edit your preferred Workout Splits and Schedule.

Stronglifts custom program screen

  1. To edit a workout, simply press it.

Stronglifts edit workout option screen

  1. To remove exercises or rearrange their order, press "Edit"

Stronglifts edit workout screen

  1. For this example, we are going to remove this exercise by pressing the remove icon

Stronglifts edit and remove exercise screen

  1. Now, confirm by pressing "Delete" followed by "Done"

Stronglifts delete exercise screen

  1. Now that we have removed the exercises we don't want we can add by selecting "Add Exercise"

Stronglifts addd exercise screen

  1. Select the exercise you want to add, or press "Create" to add your own. Then select "Add" in the top right corner to add these exercises

Stronglifts default recommended replacements screen

  1. To add a new workout, simply press "Add Workout"

Stronglifts add workout custom program page

  1. Edit the workout to your needs following steps 4-9

Stronglifts custom workout page

  1. When you are happy with your program, select "Done"

Stronglifts create program select done page

  1. Ensure your custom workout has been selected.

Stronglifts Custom Program selected page

  1. Now you're ready to start your first workout in your new custom built program.

Stronglifts app start custom workout screen


To see how to edit the weights in your workout, check out this article:

Sets & Reps:

To see hoe to edit the sets and reps in your workout, check this article:

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