How to Sync Stronglifts Workouts with Google Fit

Stronglifts can sync your workouts, workout duration, calories burned, and body weight with Google Fit.

Here's how you can enable Google Fit synchronization...

  1. Open Stronglifts and go to "Settings"

Stronglifts weightlifting app home screen

  1. Scroll down to Google Fit and tap the button to enable it.

Stronglifts weighlifting app settings screen

  1. After this, you will get a permission prompt from Google. Please grant permission so Stronglifts can send your workout data to Google Fit.

What information will Stronglifts sync to Google Fit?

  • Body-weight: Stronglifts will pull your body weight from Google Fit so you don't need to enter it manually. Example: you may have a digital scale synced with Google Fit. When you weigh yourself, your body weight will sync to Google Fit and then to Stronglifts. If you manually enter your weight in StrongLifts, it will sync back to Google Fit.
  • Workout: Stronglifts will sync your done workouts and workout duration to Google Fit. They will account for your daily activity goals.
  • Calories: Stronglifts will sync your estimated calories burned to Google Fit.

Why do my old Stronglifts workouts not show in Google Fit?

Stronglifts will only sync the workouts that you logged after enabling Google Fit.

Say you used Stronglifts for one month and logged 12 workouts. Google Fit was not enabled yet when you logged those workouts. When you enable Google Fit those 12 workouts will not sync to Google Fit. However, every new workout you log will now sync with Google Fit.

Why do my new Stronglifts workouts not show in Google Fit?

Your new Stronglifts workouts may not sync due to an issue with Google permissions. The easiest way to resolve this is to reinstall the app so you get the permission prompts again.

Here's how to do this:

  1. Go to Stronglifts > settings > export. Keep this file, it's an export of our workouts.
  2. Go to Stronglifts > settings > profile. Verify that you are logged in. If you're not, please log in to backup all your workouts to our servers. This step is necessary so you don't lose your workouts after reinstalling the app.
  3. Delete the app (make sure you completed step 2 first and logged in if you weren't yet).
  4. Reinstall the app
  5. Log back in with the account used in step 2. Your workouts and purchase will be back.
  6. Now go to Stronglifts > Google Fit > Enable
  7. You'll get a popup from Google. Grant permission to sync with Google Fit.
  8. Leave Stronglifts and open the Google Fit app. Go to Google Fit > Profile > Settings (top right corner) > Manage Connected Apps > Stronglifts should be visible here.
  9. Now log a new workout in Stronglifts and it will show in Google Fit.

If you experience any issues or have questions, please email us at